Product Summary
The SPC3/ST is a profibus controller. Due to the integration of the complete PROFIBUS-DP protocol, the SPC3/ST decisively relieves the processor of an intelligent PROFIBUS slave. The SPC3/ST can be operated on the bus with a baud rate of up to 12 MBaud. However, there are also simple devices in the automation engineering area, such as switches and thermoelements, that do not require a microprocessor to record their states.
SPC3/ST absolute maximum ratings: (1)DC supply voltage VDD: -0.5 to +7 V; (2)Input voltage VI: -0.5 to +7,5 V; (3)Output voltage VO: -0.5 to VDD +0.5 V; (4)DC output current IO: siehe Kap.5.4 mA; (5)DC supply current IDD,ISS: TBD mA; (6)Storage temperature Tstg: -40 to +125 ℃; (7)Ambient temperature Topt: -40 to +85 ℃.
SPC3/ST features: (1)Current consumption during RESET, Ia: 58 mA; (2)Current consumption without bus accesses, Ia: 102 mA; (3)Current consumption using 12 Mbaud bus accesses, Ia: 110 mA; (4)Thermal resistance Rw: 65 K/W.